December 30, 2011

Movie cravings, you experience it too?

There was a time I shared a post on my Face book wall 'I got a devil to fight'. It was on a Sunday morning and I was in the church. I got various comments which were mainly forms of encouragement, but a friend commented that the devil I had to fight was my craving for TV. Though I was referring to something entirely different at that time, that person was absolutely right because, now the devil isn't just my craving for TV but for movies which is worse. Worse because when the TV is not available for me to watch my favourite movies (mostly foreign); I just switch over to my laptop.
Geez! What a waste of precious time! This past break, I had a rich list of stuff I wanted to accomplish. I anticipated the fact that at the end of the break, I would feel so much more fulfilled as I would have done those important personal things that I put on hold due to my busy schedule. I planned to 'de-clutter' my closet, both physical and mental to accommodate fresh stuff.
As for the physical one, yes 'mission accomplished'. I gave out old stuff and got me some new clothes, cute tops and pencil jeans. However, for the mental closet, hmm! I over-cluttered it, not with ideas if not I would not be complaining; but with a series of movies. Well, they were very interesting I cannot deny that but please, watching a seasonal film all day into the night; wasting precious time of the day lying on the sofa (eyes wide open) even when I felt like a nap, and depriving myself of full nights' rest? To me, that's pathetic because the irony is that I did not work (to accomplish my plans) and I did not relax properly.
Actually, I spent my Christmas on the sofa in front of the TV, and was too engrossed to even send Xmas wishes.
My craving for movies, I got to overcome you.

December 21, 2011

Countdown to 2012...11 days to go

As the year comes to an end, there is this hunch which is normal that makes us look back on how well we have done this year in comparison with our set targets. Some smile, some regret, some feel fulfilled, some do not.
Businessmen request for their statements of account for reconciliation.
Some individuals try to 'quickly' achieve what they couldn't over the past 11months.
Everyone wants to close with a profit.
The truth is life is not perfect and the fact still remains that not all fingers are equal. We shouldn't measure our success with the successes or failures of others, neither should we measure it by our own outrageous standards. As long as you did your best this year and lived a worthy life, (no matter the results) you should be thankful.
Well as for me, I would just be thankful because I cannot kill myself...2011 will definitely end and 2012 will definitely come... I did my best, though I didn't get all I hoped for. I didn't get all I prayed for and got wonderful things that never crossed my mind.
I wrote this article 'Giving thanks' 2 months ago but still want to share it, enjoy...
We receive blessings when we give thanks. David gave thanks to God and we
all know how God lavished him with blessings. Also when Jesus wanted to
feed the 5000 with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, He first gave thanks. However as humans that we are, we tend to submerge our prayers with what we want or don’t want from God forgetting to thank Him for what we have received.
In some cases we do not thank God for things we are so accustomed to experiencing or having. Things such as waking up in the morning, our regular going out and coming
in, our good health, our friends, our beauty, to mention a few. ‘Thanks’ in the sense that, it is not heartfelt. We just utter the words 'thank you Lord for ...’ without actually feeling the gratitude deep in our hearts. Sometimes we complain and cry incessantly over our present situations that it takes over the times we could use to appreciate God’s goodness.
We complain about the traffic instead of thanking him for an accident-free journey; we complain about the weather instead thanking him that we are alive to experience it.
There was a day I was hanging out with two friends and as we were chatting away, one of them kept on chipping in how over-protective her father was. She kept on expressing how fed up she was with her father's excessive control.
The other lady obviously tired of her complaints asked her, ‘do u want to trade places?'
Baffled, she asked, 'how do you mean?'
The lady replied, 'my father is late, do want to trade places?'
All she could say was, 'oh!' and immediately stopped complaining.
We should not let our circumstances, needs or wants overshadow our ability to thank God because it is the window the devil uses to make us feel frustrated and discontented. And a frustrated person cannot truly give thanks thus narrows the door to receiving God's blessing. The road to true happiness is giving heartfelt thanks to God every moment, everyday, for everything. We should make it a habit to give thanks always.
‘Thanks’ that originates from the heart; ‘thanks’ that reminds us of God's never ending goodness which produces a burning desire in us to make us do all we can to please him and in turn, gain His favours.
In effect, let us use the remaining part of this year as an opportunity to show God how grateful we are for everything He has done for us, so more and more blessings will be poured out on us. AMEN!

December 13, 2011

True love...bitter-sweet reminiscing

A tear just rolled down my right cheek...thoughts of the one I love, bitter-sweet. It seemed perfect, my dream love...too good to be true.
Soft and beautiful; gentle and soothing
Made me smile when the world frowned at me
Gave me a reason to be happy when situations proved otherwise
It was so precious to me that I hid it from almost all
You know you don't announce to the world that you have found diamonds unless you are pretty sure you have secured it; because, you don't want any competitor to take it away from you.

Imagine you are passing by the mall and you spot a very beautiful gown on a mannequin. Your heart skips a beat at sight of this gorgeous dress. You go in, do a price bargain and get the dress even though it would cost you a lot. You buy matching shoes and purse for this dress and you anticipate patiently the day you would wear the dress. Finally the day comes, and excitedly you put on your dress for the first time after your trial at the mall, shoes, purse and the perfect accessories; feeling like the hypothetical Cinderella. Only as you step your first foot into your car, someone calls your attention to a tear on your dream dress which you never noticed. 

A tear that mars the beauty of your dress.
Painful right, very painful and annoying...
You would feel like squeezing the neck of the mall attendant that sold the dress to you or getting a refund...
The obvious solution is to get a replacement which most would likely do...
But in the case of true love, what do you do?
Replace it? Discard it? Give up on it? Hell No!

You patch it and make it work. You would go the extra mile; stand by it because you know what it means to you.
When one is weak, the other stands strong and becomes a source of strength.
When one makes a mistake, the other corrects with love.
When one causes pain, the other learns to forgive and forget (not bringing it up when there’s a fight).
True and pure love is not about you but about the other party.
It is not selfish, domineering or spiteful.
It makes you understand God’s unconditional love for us and what He meant when He created the world and called it ‘beautiful’.
If all could love this way, what a perfect place this world would be.
Our married friends can testify to this...

Please don't forget to like my Facebook page by clicking the facebook like button on your top left thanks or follow me on twitter @frediliamomodu One love!

December 04, 2011

Save the Earth!!!

OMG!!! What is happening to the earth? I didn’t go out this weekend and I was very grateful.
Blazing sun out there!! I even had to ask a friend if people were frying akara in the sky.... I went to dry my shirt in the sun on Saturday morning and I found myself running back into the house.
The ozone layer is obviously depleting and global warming as we all know, is like a plant injected with an overdose of growth hormones. It is a giant threat to planet earth. We really need to protect our planet.

*Plant more trees-Thank you Fashola for starting it, it absorbs CO2 one of the green house gases (cause of global warming if in excess). Well not all of us have the land space to plant a tree; planting ugu, water leaf, bitter leaf, ewedu to mention a few will help. They also absorb CO2 and you can eat them too.

*Burn less garbage-This is especially true for those who don’t like paying for their garbage to be thrown instead they would burn them in front or at the back of their houses.
Please stop ooo! You are only making yourself an agent of pollution; releasing CO2 that we don’t need into our beloved atmosphere.

*Produce less garbage-Don’t cook what you cannot finish. In some people’s dustbins, the most you will find is leftover food (that could serve a family for 2 days [1-1-1]). Or is it the office, where a lot of waste papers are produced. Please before you print any document, proof read it well. So you don’t have to throw 5 sheets of paper before getting it right.

*Recycle-Your empty water and drink plastic bottles, you can pile them in a bag and give those women who pick bottles from the streets for their businesses ( jedi jedi medicine, kunu, zobo) or put them in a separate bag for your garbage men to give them for you. You can also do the same for your empty cream containers (very useful for the market women).

So my cool guys and beautiful ladies, let us all cooperate to make the earth a cool planet to live in so our future generations do not get fried by the sun.
You can also add your suggestions *winks*

December 03, 2011


‘Thank God it’s Friday!’, I told myself this morning. I made a conscious effort to be extra-positive and enthusiastic. I never saw what was coming. How can a friend tell my boss that I do not take to correction, all because I refused to take to her perfectionist/unrealistic instruction? Sometimes I think it is out of jealousy (unless it is an attitude disorder); because she wouldn’t do any better after criticising an already perfect job.
Mind you, she is more of a melancholy as I am of a sanguine. So you can imagine the personality clashes.
Well, I have been putting up with her infuriating side because outside that, she could be a very sweet person.
But trashing me behind my back..., that..., is crossing the line.
We had a row because I told myself ‘enough is enough!’. We didn’t chat all through the day and I was ok with that, at least for the sake of avoiding silly fights.
Thank God it happened on a Friday, Monday will be a fresh start. 
Can’t let anyone put me down...

How faith works? From pending abortion at 6 weeks to 7month baby bump...

Gazing lovingly at the mental X-ray of this beautiful baby bump; I remember I was told, when he was 6weeks old, that I had an empty sack and...