March 31, 2013

How would this world be without a woman?

Imagine Eve did not cause Adam to eat the forbidden fruit. Man would not have committed the sin of disobedience. No punishment, no sickness, no wonderful, extremely amazing, World Peace at last, right?
We would still be stark naked, not conscious of body shapes, dancing around in the Garden of Eden, eating whatever fruit we like. When it comes to animals, just "point and kill" (awesome right?) Since we would just “pluck and eat” or “point and kill”, why would anyone stress himself or herself to set up fast food joints, restaurants, and the like? I know the guys would love this part, less money to spend on those big mouthed chics. Hmmm, but do not forget your pepper soup joints, lounges and bars, “mama put” and all the other joints where you hang out.
Who will need fashion designers when we will all be stark-naked? No Georgio Armani, Banana Republic, Donna Karan, T.M. Lewin (ouch!). Ladies, what about our pencil jeans, pencil skirts, leggings, tank tops? Models and beauty queens like Agbani Darego, Tyra Banks, Noami Campbell, even Mr. Nigeria, wouldn't matter at all. No sickness, no doctors! No education, no teachers! No sinners, no preachers! 
Also come to think of it, no sin implies that God would not have sent Jesus Christ to save us because there would be absolutely no reason to. No Christmas! No Resurrection! No Easter! How would we truly appreciate Him or envisage His love for us? 

Lastly, this article (oh my God!) it would have been totally non-existent (because the aforementioned would not have happened) and you all would not be reading this. 
Let's be open-minded; though Eve caused Adam to eat the forbidden fruit which led to man being cast out from the Garden of Eden, it also brought good things as mentioned above. So lets' admit it, Eve added spice to life.
Happy Easter peeps! *Muah and a wink*

Here are opinions of my friends who couldn't comment directly on the blog but sent their comments via BBM:

Meshack: Without a woman, a man is incomplete and the world would be boring.
Vlad: If I hear say Eve added spice to life...
George: I partly agree. While it is true that without a woman, we would not have all those stuff...designers, celebs, restaurants, etc Those stuff actually make our lives more complicated. Life in the garden was meant to be simple and beautiful. You ladies destroyed the simplicity but thank God for women all the same. You added spice but I would prefer to be running around naked holding my spear in the garden.
John: God knows what is best for us all. Though Eve caused it, Adam had the final say.
Paul: God is the master planner. He sees the end from the beginning. He knew the world will not be fulfilling or exciting if he doesn't even us freedom. That was why he gave the choice to show the path we wanna follow. It's so surprising that the same being God created could be used by the devil in God presence. God knew the devil was gonna come and he knows women are evil. *winks* In the first testament women were portrayed as being evil because Eve was the one that persuaded Adam to eat the forbidden fruit; but, in the second testament, the same woman who was the cause of God sending man out of the garden of Eden gave birth to our Messiah. Indeed women own the world *hugs* and God makes many things happen through them...the good, the bad and the ugly.

Please don't forget to like my Facebook page by clicking the Facebook like button on 
the left side bar or follow me on twitter @frediliamomodu, I will follow you back. One love!

March 30, 2013

Isn’t there a kissing tutorial centre somewhere?

This happened a long time ago. I published it on my first blog but didn't share it. I want to share it now for your reading pleasure...enjoy!
There was this handsome guy I met in the bank who approached me saying my face was familiar. Well he was right, we were church members. We properly introduced ourselves but there was no exchange of contacts just names. We started seeing each other in church but it was a ‘hi hi’ thingy. After some weeks, I joined a department in church only to meet this same guy. I was very happy but we didn’t start a close friendship right away not until a month or so. He had been trying to visit me but I was always doing one thing or the other. 
On this fateful day, I went to church in the evening for fellowship and I saw him. However it was already late and he was still praying so I didn’t wait to say hi. When I had got close to my house, I got a phone call from him; but I told him that I had gotten close to my house and would see him some other time. Sensing that he felt disappointed, I called him back to ask for a day when we could actually talk like a date. (Although I still planned to post him.) To my surprise, he asked if he could see me that same night at my place and this was around 9pm. Knowing that I would not be able to make out the time to see him, I agreed. We chatted like Christians. He later requested for my pictures which I gave to him to look at.
Later he asked if he could sleep over. I was shocked because to me he was a Christian brother, HE MINISTERS! Of course I said no. Well not blatantly; I gave him reasons why he couldn’t and shouldn’t.
Well it went like this;
Me: are you serious?
(He nodded silently)
Me: you know it’s dangerous. You know you are a guy, I’m a lady and stuff could happen; unless you are not interested in me.
He: stuff like what?
Me: you know.................and he kissed me.
Oh my God! It was the most horrible kiss ever! It felt like he was giving me a head and my mouth was the ....u know. Wait a minute! That’s even better. I was more like milk in a bowl and he was a cat having his lick. He just kept on thrusting his stiff hard tongue in and out of my mouth. It was more than awful.
The issue then was, he wanted to see me again but after that bad kiss episode...God forbid! The kiss destroyed everything plus the friendship. I tripped, stood up and ran away...definitely not to him or anywhere close.

My advice to brothers out there-always get your first kiss right because you might not get a second chance.

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March 29, 2013

Sometimes the voice in your head is all that matters

On Monday evening, I went to the superstore to get provisions and body products. I got milk, beverage, decaf tea, sugar, vaseline-my body cream for now, my mum's body cream, chocolates, and mouthwash. When I got home, I offloaded the goods and told my brother to help me arrange them. I gave my mum her body cream and some minutes later she came into my room with the body cream in her hand. She said there was a slight difference in the colour of the cream and explained that the cream is usually  pure white, as white as the container but this one was a little brown in colour. She advised I return it and exchange it for her soap if the other creams were the same. I collected it back from her and put in my bag with the receipt I thanked God I had not torn. 

The following day I went to the superstore to make my complaints. When I got in, I was directed to a particular gentleman who seemed like he was doing a routine check. I greeted him and started narrating my story. As I mentioned that I got the body cream yesterday, he expressed his shock saying the security men shouldn't have allowed me into the store with the body cream in my hand. He led me back outside and scolded the security men on duty for not being vigilant. After that I told him why I was there and asked how it could be rectified. He asked for the receipt which I gladly gave to him (thinking it was the password I needed to get an exchange) but he showed me where it was written boldly 'no refund, no exchange please'. I was surprised when I saw it but acted calmly and said I just wanted to bring it to their notice. He told me to wait outside while he spoke with the manager. 

While waiting, I saw a friend who came to do her Easter shopping, she asked what I was doing there and I explained to her. She reminded me of the statement on the receipt 'no refund, no exchange please' and advised that I forget about the whole thing but I still waited patiently. A lady in charge of raffle draws who was chatting with her colleague-a cashier noticed that I had been waiting for some time and asked why I was waiting. I explained to them and they said in Yoruba that the man should have just apologised to me and let me go, instead of wasting my time. Implying I would not get an exchange. Then she said, "sister you know it is written 'no exchange no refund'" I just nodded sadly. No encouragement from the first man I reported my complaint to, my friend and the raffle draw lady and her colleague. At that point, I felt like walking away, but something still told me to wait.

Then the lady advised me to meet the man inside instead of waiting outside because he might have forgotten he kept me waiting. I went in and saw the man coming towards me. He said he was with the manager and the manager wanted to see me. Before we got to the manager's office, he suggested we check out the other creams on the shelf and compare. We checked out about 6 different creams and noticed that they were all white just like my mum described. This made me happy and I told myself I would get an exchange no matter what. So I made my point known to the man explaining that I wasn't talking out of ignorance and he could see it for himself. He agreed and we headed for the manager's office. 

When we got there, he ushered me in and told me to have my seat. I did and faced the young looking manager. I greeted him and he told me to express myself even though his subordinate had explained to him. I did that and he tried to give me 101 reasons why the cream had no problem. He was a bit taken aback when I explained that the mini manager and I did a little comparison and confirmed that the cream I bought was the odd one out. He apologised and instructed that I get an exchange. We exchanged formal pleasantries and I left his office. I was all smiles as I went home. I told my mum the whole story and she was happy she got her 'white' cream. I thanked God I listened to the voice in my head that told me to wait to see how it would end and I was happy I let that voice overrule voices that told me I would not get a refund or an exchange. Not like they wanted to discourage me intentionally; they only spoke based on what they knew since it was actually written on the receipt 'no refund, no exchange please'. 

This can be said to be a trivial situation but same occurs everyday when what people say concerning us is different from what we believe about ourselves. No one thought I could get a refund except me even though I wasn't sure at first. If I didn't believe the situation could turn out good, I would have just walked away and told my mum what I saw on the receipt (just like others told me) and my money would have gone to waste. Sometimes we have convictions about certain things but people (even those close to us) give us reasons (that might look really genuine) why they think our ideas are not feasible, why our plans or methods may not work out, or try to put limits to our dreams. Most times, they don't do it with bad intentions in mind but based on their knowledge or experience (except the jealous or evil dream killers). In any case, it is left for us to decide which voice we want to listen to...take a cue from my story.

Please don't forget to like my Facebook page by clicking the facebook like button on the left side bar or follow me on twitter @frediliamomodu One love! 

March 23, 2013

When you don't have the energy to drive your passion

I know what I want for now (with respect to goals) and I have ideas on how to get it. I want it so bad that I can feel it and almost touch it and taste it. It plays in my head all the time and I always pray to God to make it a reality. I think it, I dream it, I self-talk it. Thinking about it stirs up a mixture of emotions that makes me enthusiastic and ready for action. It can be likened to fire from a burning furnace within me, slowly heating me up till I am ready to dissipate the energy to surrounding objects. 
However, it goes like this: At the close of work, my head gets filled with all sorts of personal stuff I could do aside work to make my desire a reality (as my passion lies outside my job). I take out my journal and write plans and ideas as they flow into my head. My internal furnace starts burning and I get fired up. Yes! I am ready to work! I start calculating as I head home; when I get home, I will have my bath, eat, rest a little and get busy. Yes! I can do it! I always say this to myself with enthusiasm. So I get home, bath, eat, rest a little and begin to work, ready to unleash my ideas. For the first 10minutes I am active, 11th minute-I stretch, 12th minute-I yawn, 13th minute-I scratch my head, 14th minute-I widen my eyes because they are trying to close, 16th minute-I become aware that I just dozed off. Then I say to myself, "what is this again now, not now! I want to work!" (I get upset) No matter how frustrated and upset I feel, it is either I continue to struggle with my poor eyes as they try to obey the call of nature, or I assist them and myself by just going to my bed which has always been the best option because I have learnt from past experiences that I can't beat my eyes when it comes to the battle with sleep. It has been like this for some weeks now. Yet I still plan and try to get the best out of my time ignoring previous experiences. I have got the passion but I need energy to drive it. 
Since I cannot quit now (my job is truly a blessing), I have to find a balance. This means proper planning and discipline as I have to cut out distractions. Also time is an expensive commodity I cannot afford to waste as my job spares little for me. I just have to make do with the little I have. Since I have tried all methods known to me and they have not been as effective I would have loved them to be, it has made me realise that I am just a human with limitations and I have someone greater than I am that can help me when I cannot help myself. Who else can that be if not our awesome God? He gave my job and my passion and He knows how to juggle them to produce the best results. So from now on, I will sincerely do my best and leave the rest to Him. I have started doing it and it is marvellous! 
It is crazy when let yourself get caught up in the chaos nature of today's world. Trying to get this, trying to get that, trying to be this, trying to be that, the competition, the rat is crazy! With God's wisdom, you will know when to step on the brake and let Jesus take the driver's seat. 
Food for thought: Even when you have gotten all you think you want in the world, you realise that you still want more. You realise there's still a void that needs to be filled. No matter what else you acquire, you would still want something else that would satisfy that need inside of you. It is only God that can quench that hunger for more. He is the only one that can give you that satisfaction you desire because our human wants are limitless. Even King Solomon testified to it when he said all is vanity. Instead of waiting till I have expended all my energy trying to satisfy my unending needs (and God forbid dying in the process), let me wise up now, invite God and experience Him through the process. Isn't that smart? Please you guys shouldn't get me wrong. It's not like I have not been praying or going to church and all that but I mean being aware of God's presence every moment. When I am stuck in traffic, when I am confused or disappointed, when my boss scolds me, when a colleague annoys me, when I face overbearing customers, when I am choked with a long list of to-dos, every time, everywhere...I want God to be an integral part of my life and I want to get him involved in everything that concerns me.
Now how do I do that? My own way of being God-conscious is by listening to gospel songs and messages frequently, they take me to the spirit realm and remind me of God, Jesus and Godly things. Even after listening to them, they keep playing in my head, thus reminding me of God. This in turn reminds me of the holy and perfect nature of God makes me try to live that way. To attain the most effective results, I deleted all the worldly songs on my phone and downloaded more gospel songs especially by Hillsong-my favourite. I actually discussed the whole lack of energy thingy (via BBM and Twitter) with a fellow personal blogger and friend Gbenga Sile THE GEEBEE CHRONICLES. When I told him I deleted my worldly songs, he said and I quote, 'Lol @ deleting 'worldly songs'. No be by dat one jor.' We actually chatted at length and he was very encouraging. Thanks Geebee! Let me blow his trumpet for him, he won the 2012 Nigerian Blog Awards judges' choice of best personal blog and he is currently working on his first book. You can check him out!
Back to the topic, since I know I cannot do it own my own and my strength is not enough for me, I have resolved to let God who is the source of my strength be the energy that drives my passion. He is the most reliable. With God's wisdom, I'll get the best ideas and the best ways to put them to work. Has anyone ever trusted God and failed? Is there anything too hard or impossible for Him? Obviously no! What about you? 

Please don't forget to like my Facebook page by clicking the facebook like button on the left side bar or follow me on twitter @frediliamomodu One love! 

March 16, 2013

Unfair suspension of 'my oga at the top'!

I don't know how true it is, but if Obafaiye Shem has really been suspended, I think it is unfair. We should not use a hammer to kill a mosquito here. If it were an informal off-air conversation, he could have said he didn't know the name of the website and asked a colleague or a subordinate; but since he was on-air, I'm sure he was caught unawares and he tried to wriggle out of it like anyone in his shoes would have done. It doesn't mean he doesn't know his job but he is obviously not a computer genius. 

Let us be real, how many of our parents can mention websites? What about Nigerian celebs who can't sing the second stanza of the national anthem? Or those you can't recite the national pledge without the ehms and raising an eye brow in an effort to rack their brains? What about the Nigerian Governor that mentioned Fanta and Coke as part of the country's mineral resources? It just like going for a job interview. You can be nervous all through; you can be taken aback by an unexpected question, it doesn't make you incompetent, does it? Not everyone is an expert when it comes to interviews and not everyone is a fluent speaker. 

I thank God he wasn't sacked and I pray the suspension is not indefinite. I feel for him, this man should be called back to office. Although the video is actually funny but please, you guys should free him...some people laughing at this man do not know their schools' or companies' website names. 
To those who suspended him, please I am begging you, unsuspend Mr Obafaiye Shem (unless there are other reasons aside 'ww.nscdc that's all'), it could have been you (you could have done worse)!

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My phobia almost hunted me

I have a phobia for mentally derailed people (mad people as the lay man would say). I am always scared that they could attack me if I go close to them. Anytime I see one on one side of the road, I cross over to the other side. I don't look at them and I walk as fast as I can. I totally stay clear of their paths. However as I grew older, I got less scared. I stopped crossing over to the other side of the road when I saw them and I was more empathic because they were once normal. 

Anyway the reason why I am telling you this is because of what happened to me this morning. I left my house at 7am for a training and took a keke napep to the next bus stop. When I got to the bus stop, I came down from the vehicle and saw a mad woman sitting on the floor along the pedestrian walk way and laughing. The old me would have taken an alternative route to avoid her but the grown and less afraid moi decided to take the pedestrian walkway. I walked past her and even looked at her. Then I asked myself, "why is she laughing?" And replied myself, "what is your own? Can you go and ask her?" I came out of my thoughts and noticed some passers-by were staring at my direction. I felt maybe they were staring at something, I couldn't be bothered. 

After trekking a short distance, I got into the next vehicle and behold, as I sat down, I saw the mad woman trying to get my attention and she raise her two fingers in the air giving me the peace sign. People in the bus just stared at her and one man dared to stare at me. The woman was actually following me. She behind me all the whole time, no wonder passers-by stared my way. 
When I narrated the incident to a friend, I said, "but people are wicked, why didn't they tell me?" I thought of it again and thanked God they didn't. Because I would have run and she might have chased me-drama for the public.What if she had pulled my ponytail, pushed me or worst, hugged me? Yikes! I thank God none of that happened. 
No more miss I-ain't-scared because I am. This incident has made me resolve to go back to being the old me. 

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March 10, 2013

Father, daughter and a can of spray starch...

After work on Thursday evening, I went to the shopping mall to get milk for the house. I noticed something interesting as I stood at the milk section deciding which milk to buy from the varieties staring at me. It was the pleasant high-pitched voice of a little girl (she looked five-ish) saying "I want that one!" that caught my attention. She wore a dark pink A-line spaghetti top with black leggings and flat black shoes. She was with her apparent proud father because he happily dropped whatever she pointed at into the trolley. After deciding, I picked 6 tins of evaporated milk and a tin of condensed milk, then I took a stroll to see if I would find any other thing I needed. 

Coincidentally, the excited little girl and her father were behind me. I kept hearing "I want that one!" and each time I heard it, I peeped and saw her father putting the item in the trolley. That eventually got me curious. Wow! I thought to myself. It must be her birthday! That must be why her father is giving her whatever she wants. Well lucky birthday girl, I continued in my thoughts. 

After deciding I wasn't buying any other thing, I queued up to pay for my tins of milk. As I waited for my turn, I watched the happy father and daughter as they walked towards the cashier next to the one I was waiting for. Shoot! That cashier had less people on her queue and I didn't notice. I was too busy watching the father-daughter drama. All of a sudden, the five-ish girl screamed, "Daddy I want cake" as they passed by the cake section. The proud father in his thick voice replied, "which one?" and she pointed at a big size birthday cake-you know, the type you cut on your birthday. I couldn't resist it anymore, so I asked politely, "Sir is today her birthday?" I actually wanted to wish her a happy birthday. Her father surprised me with his answer, "No (laughing) she just likes cake". 75R3BEU24488

image from Google
Well, it wasn't my business but a birthday-size cake for a child who just liiikesss cake! Hmmm! That was not even the height of it. As they offloaded their trolley on the counter, I watched as the cashier brought out each item: 2 packs of chocolate cookies, different candies, a large chocolate bar, a carton of juice, the large cake...and I just had to ask myself, "what else did this man buy?" That was when the cashier brought out the last item, a can of spray starch. His goods cost approximately N6000 and what did he buy? One can of spray starch and ijekuje!  What!

When I got home, I was in a hurry to tell my mum. I started by saying, "mummy, money is good oo! won't believe what I saw where I bought the milk". I narrated the incident and added my thoughts-When will that girl finish everything? At least he should have bought a smaller cake. He didn't have to buy everything she wanted. Surprisingly my mum smiled and said, "That is how your father was when you were little" and she told me stories to back her point. It made me journey down memory lane and I realised she was right. It was just the man's way of expressing his love towards his daughter. However, I will still say, "money is good oo!"

FYI:ijekuje means junk food, sweet, biscuits, etc in Yoruba

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March 05, 2013

Social media and sms blessings-Share or else!

My name is GOD, you hardly have time for me. I love You and always bless you. I am always with You. I need you to spend 30 mins of time with me today- Don't pray, just praise. Today I want this message across the world before midnight, will you help? Please do not cut it and I'll help you with something that you are in need of. Just dare me (1 thing). A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in GOD send this message on, please don't ignore it, GOD is going to fix two things (BIG) tonight in your favour. If you believe in God , DROP EVERYTHING & PASS IT ON. TOMORROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. DON'T BREAK THIS CHAIN!
When I got this broadcast, I had to ask my friend if God actually typed the message and broadcast it Himself. I asked him if God really told him I hardly had time for Him. I asked myself, "so if I do not rebroadcast this message, does it mean I don't believe in God?" (Of course the answer is NO!) I had to tell him God blesses those He chooses to bless not because of some 5-second rebroadcast. The sad part of it is that most who rebroadcast these kind of messages do it out of fear. 'I don't know what will happen if I don't share it' 'let me share it so something bad will not happen to me' 'I have been praying for...let me do it, maybe God will give it to me this time'
Ask some people who shared this, if they actually woke up by 12am to praise God for 30mins. Some who even share messages like this do not practise true christianity in all areas of their lives. The most annoying part is the threat. DON'T BREAK THE CHAIN!
Am I supposed to tremble and share it? If I did, I should ask myself, 'where is my faith?'
God's blessings have no formula or manual. It is not automated that when you do this, you get that. God looks at His people and has mercy on them. He is a wise God whose ways we cannot understand and whose ways are not our ways. He is pleased with your faith in Him not your fear. He wants you to act because you believe not because of what you fear might happen if you do not act.
PASTOR A******
Many years ago, while I was still struggling to pay my school fees, an old man met me and said: “One day, you will travel abroad as often as a woman goes to the market”. I looked at him and received it. “Yes sir, thank you”. Although it appeared too incredible to me then but today, I spend more time abroad than I do in Nigeria. I prophesy into your life that every good prophesy concerning your life will come to pass, no matter how incredible they are. For those who share this post on their wall may they have good testimony this month.
For the hands that will share this on their wall May Your year be full of positive testimony. May your hands be filled with anointing. Success will be your middle name...ĠÕÕD ♍ÕЯΠĬΠĠ   FRNDS & A NICE DAY AHEAD({})
When I got this one, I smiled and said to myself, "if wishes were horses..." So just by putting this message on my wall-Facebook book wall I guess, my hands would be filled with anointing. Then I asked myself if it was really Pastor A****** that wrote it.
What is the message behind the message being shared? Still trying to figure it out...what a way to attain testimonies, success and anointing!
...It will take you less than 2 minutes to pass it on. If you are not interested, or do not have the 2 Minutes it will take to do this, please don't complain when God does not have time for you, because He is far busier than we are. Remember, Jesus said 'Deny Me on earth and I'll deny you before my Father. SHARE PLEASE! God bless U̶̲̥̅̊
I cut the first part of the message because I don't want to share it. Sharing it to me is making the bad news more known and spreading it faster; because I didn't know about it, till my friend sent it to me and I still wish he didn't. What I even want to talk about is the threat part of the message. I queried my friend if he was the one who added that part to it and I guess he was because of how defensive he was. The annoying thing was he didn't have enough facts to back up his claim. He said a friend told him blah blah blah. He couldn't give me the answers I wanted because I am not the type to share news I have no facts about. I also had to explain to him that he could only do his best as a christian according to his limited wisdom but he was in no place to dictate consequences. I advised him to leave that to God. 

My take: Before you share messages like above or any other via any form of media, Facebook, Twitter, BBM, sms etc, scrutinise it first so you don't pass the wrong message. You are not a robot to just share because someone says you should. Whatever message you share tells a little or much about you. It is pathetic when a smart person shares a dumb message.
You are entitled to your own opinion. 
If you do not believe in the message sent to you, do not pass it on. 
If you do not understand it, do not pass it on. 
If you cannot defend it, do not pass it on. 
If you are not comfortable with it, why pass it on?
Question the sender if you want to (and you will be shocked at the replies they would give you) or just ignore it.

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How faith works? From pending abortion at 6 weeks to 7month baby bump...

Gazing lovingly at the mental X-ray of this beautiful baby bump; I remember I was told, when he was 6weeks old, that I had an empty sack and...