April 25, 2013

Bros, what do you really want? Part 3

Bros, what do you really want? Part 2 and the story continues...

Immediately, Stacey pinged bros' younger brother who is her good friend and asked him for Mr recruiter's phone number. His brother gave it to her immediately but then did a double take and asked her why she wanted it. Stacey didn't waste any time in updating him. Their chat went like this:
(Let's call his brother B) 

Stacey-Pls can u give me your brother's no?
B-080++++ Hope all is well?
Stacey-Nope, I wana tongue-lash him!
Stacey-Really mad at him, he doesn't respect my space!
B-What happened? Aahh! How! Pls don't! Oh o o o, why! Why did I give u his number without asking? Abeg na, just do this for me. Pls, don't do it!
Stacey-After mass he is always trying to tell me about his organisation and persuading me to join which is not bad. But I have noticed that even though he knows I'm with someone he doesn't respect that fact and leave me alone. Today he really got me pissed. You know my bf travelled and came back for 3wks.  You know we normally see after mass. Today my bf was waiting for me as usual and as I was going to meet him your brother as usual starting pestering me about joining the organisation. I told him someone was waiting for me; he saw my bf yet he didn't want to leave.
B-OMG! I'm sowie about that but pls don't do the tongue-lashing thing.
Stacey-I was still trying to get to my bf who had been standing under the sun waiting for me but your bro didn't deem it fit to leave me alone. He was still being pushy and insinuated that I should have said all I wanted to say to my bf inside the church. He said something like "what else do you have to say?" Still not leaving me alone. I didn't want to push him aside or embarrass him but I wanted to see my bf. I was kinda stuck and he was making it worse. He didn't even have enough respect in him to say hi to my bf who was still patiently waiting. Even my mum had to ask me why I kept my bf waiting and was talking to someone else for so long. My bf got angry and left. Your bro does it every time and I don't like it. He should know when to take his leave and how to respect someone's space. Is it too much for him to tell my bf to excuse him instead of acting like my bf's invisible?
Stacey-Is it because my bf is quiet and doesn't react easily? u can't do that to some guys!
B-Guys like me u know...really sowie anyway
Stacey-Pls tell him to stay clear from me next Sunday becuase he would hate my reaction. As for the organisation thing, he should recruit someone else.
B-But all the same sowie, u should have let me know this before it got to this. Just take ma apologies ok?
Stacey-I won't call him for ur sake, thanks anyway.
B-Wow, uw!

I advised her not to let his attitude be the reason why she wasn't joining the organisation. I told her to do a rethink after she had calmed down, since joining the organisation would be good for her spiritual growth.

The story actually continues...Stacey saw him on Sunday as she left the church after mass. He approached her as she was looking for her dad's car at the park. As he walked up to her, Stacey shut him up before the words came out of his mouth. After walking around the entire park, she finally saw her dad's car and to her amazement, saw bros with her bf! Bros was reporting Stacey to her boyfriend for involving his younger brother.  After he was done, he went to Stacey and told her he was angry with her. Stacey said she assumed not to hear a thing and asked him when the next meeting would hold. (It is this Sunday yikes!) 
Stacey informed me that her bf told her that bros apologized for crossing his boundary but claimed he never knew he (Stacey's bf) was dating Stacey. "What a fat lie!" she said. Even her bf said bros was lying, since virtually the whole church knows about Stacey's relationship with her bf.

That's all from Stacey and bros because their matter sef don tire me; but still thinking, what does bros actually want? Stacey or Stacey's salvation? I still don't know. 
Anyway, humans...je ne comprends pas! smh...

Please do not forget to like my Facebook page by clicking the Facebook like button on your top left thanks or follow me on twitter @frediliamomodu I need FB likers and Twitter followers! One love! 

April 18, 2013

Bros, what do you really want? Part 2

Bros, what do you really want? Part 1 and the story continues...

Stacey's boyfriend travelled for two months and she had missed him terribly. He came back last two weeks to spend three weeks with her, meaning her routine was back to normal for three weeks.

On Sunday, the second week of Stacey's bf's arrival, this bros as usual accosted Stacey after the mass just as she stepped outside the church building and tried talking her into joining the young workers' organisation like he had been doing for a few weeks now. Stacey said she didn't waste any time in telling him that someone was waiting for her while pointing to her boyfriend. He looked, saw her boyfriend from afar, and said "Oh! he is around!" She said she ignored him and continued walking towards her boyfriend. Then he made another comment that annoyed her, "what else do you want to talk about? Haven't you said enough in the church?" But she said she gave him the what-the-heck look and said nothing. More annoying was the fact that he refused to let her be and kept following her as if he was programmed to do so. He also kept on talking like he had no control over his tongue. 

Stacey said she couldn't walk fast because she was on high-heels and the car park covered with gravel didn't make it easier. Since it was the end of mass, everywhere was crowded with people trying to leave the church. Also, car owners were moving their cars out of the park, and before she moved a short distance she would hear the honk of a car alerting her to halt for them to move out which she had to obey to avoid being hit. This gave this brother the opportunity to talk more and he made sure he utilised it. He said things like, "why don't you want to join the group? You will meet people just like you. I know it is not easy but it is just one Sunday in a month. You can make it; I know you don't work on Sundays. God gave you that job, don't let it hinder your serving Him. He can also take it away you know, what would you do then?" Bla bla bla he went. 

Stacey said that even though she fought the urge to yell at him, she realised that he began to make sense and she nodded in agreement until she heard him say, "It is not all about money, you need to dedicate your time to God. I don't like the idea of people showing off before giving. If I want to donate in church, I do it silently, I don't take a mic and announce." Stacey said she cut him short at that point because he had touched a sensitive part of her. How dare he accuse her falsely! Who even gave him the right to interfere with her spiritual life? He had no right to tell her how to serve God. (The Stacey I know doesn't even publicize her donations, so I also wondered where he got his fact from.) Stacey said she got caught up trying to defend herself and by the time she looked in her boyfriend's direction, she saw him storming away. At the same time, she saw her siblings beckoning her to get into car. At that moment, Stacey said she felt like the world's dumbest idiot. She said she immediately called her boyfriend and started apologising. He was mad indeed and she felt really really bad.

To her surprise, when she got home, her mum called her and admonished her for what she did. Her mum said she saw her boyfriend waiting for her and she watched him as he waited patiently. She said her mum told her that she should have excused herself from the other guy to meet her boyfriend. She narrated to me that when she explained to her mum that the other guy was really engaging her with church tinz, her mum laughed and told her not to be deceived. In her mum's words, "Which organisation? Don't you know men can be funny? What if he is interested in you and is just using church to cover up? Didn't he see your boyfriend waiting for you? A guy with good intentions would have respected you and given you space. Make sure you don't act like that again! How do you think your boyfriend would feel? Put yourself in his shoes...next time tell that guy off ok!" 

Stacey called me on the phone to tell me the above but I invited over to get the full gist. She came over in the afternoon and gave me the gist proper. She said she acknowledged the truth in what bros said about dedicating time to God, but the fact that he didn't respect her space and her boyfriend's presence got her mad because she kept on telling him someone was waiting for her. Worse of all, her boyfriend left in anger when he saw her family getting into the car ready to leave. Her bf had waited too long and people kept asking him why he was waiting and who he was waiting for. Well, I didn't have to ask him because I knew why. I actually saw him waiting and just said hello to him since we had talked inside the church. He smiled back like nothing was wrong...real gentleman I must confess. I even saw Stacey and the silly young man chatting and just shook my head. She jokingly said I should have dragged her away when I saw her. 

As she complained about bros' attitude, she screamed all of a sudden like she had an epiphany and said aloud "that guy is a chameleon. He is just jealous seeing me and my bf together. He is just looking for an avenue to get closer. Maybe he wanted to ask me out before my bf came into the picture and now he is regretting why he didn't make a move so he wants to spoil it for me. No be organisation at all jare! No wonder! Ahn ahn! Every blessed Sunday he would be pestering my life, na only me dey that church! I must finish him next Sunday. If he dares cross my path, he would hate the words that I would lash out. In short I cannot wait till Sunday, I will call him." 
To be continued...

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April 16, 2013

Bros, what do you really want? Part 1

Homo sapiens are so complicated that one cannot fully grasp the complexity of the thoughts that go on in their heads (not exempting myself). Some humans sometimes display attitudes like those of the cunning tortoise in the funny stories our grannies used to tell us. Some get you so confused that when they tell you 'you look good' you have to check to see if your lip stick isn't bleeding. Why am I saying this?

Stacey and I are Catholics and we worship at the same church. She always sits with her boyfriend in church and most times after mass, they meet at the car park before they part ways. Stacey doesn't belong to any society or organisation in church; she is the Sunday only type and prefers to assist financially. Reason is she doesn't really fancy the parish, as she claims that it is too local and the members are too dull for her liking. Stacey is one crazy and wild 'homo sapien' who just loves to do her thing as she pleases, one of the reasons I love her. It is the parish her family goes to and it is the closest to their house-it is a norm for them to go to church as a family and anyone who does otherwise would see the wrath of their father. Her plan is to endure till she moves to a new area through the avenue of marriage to her dear boyfriend, then seek a livelier church. Her routine for now is: come to church on Sunday--sit beside her love + listen to the sermon--say hi to close friends (me inclusive) after the mass--meet her bf at the car park--head home with her family. 

Some weeks back, Stacey started drumming into my ears that she was interested in joining an organisation in the church for young workers. I was shocked that my sister from another mother was considering joining an organisation in the church she considered not happening. So I asked her what inspired the decision. She revealed that one of their members, a young man, had been persuading her to join them and she thought it would be a great way to offer her time to God. I had seen her with the dude twice or three times. She said the group met just once in a month which was convenient for her and it was a group she could easily fit into since she is a young working class lady. Although she said she was still contemplating and hadn't give the young man her final answer, but she was likely to say yes. I was happy for my sweet friend and encouraged her to join the group. 

The following Sunday was their meeting day; unfortunately, Stacey wore her super high-heeled shoes and couldn't wait behind for the meeting, as she couldn't do the commercial busventure in her stiletto heels. Also, considering that she had to trek some distance on the bad untarred road to get a bus, staying behind for the meeting was totally out of it. To top it all, her Saturday was full of activities and she needed the whole of her Sunday for proper rest and recuperation. She went home with her parents instead. This made Stacey rethink her joining the group as she said she didn't want to make commitments she wouldn't keep. 

The next Sunday, this young man  stopped Stacey as she was going to meet her boyfriend at the park. He asked her why she didn't make it to the meeting and if she was still interested in becoming a member of the group. Stacey said she gave her honest answers and excused herself since her boyfriend was waiting for her. She said she noticed that she practically had to shut him up and walked away hurriedly because it seemed like he was prepared to occupy her with his preachings on why she should become a member. She said she thought that was it from Mr you-need-to-join-our-organisation until she noticed it was becoming his habit and he was trying to force his way into her precious routine. 

She said this dude wasn't taking no for an answer and was acting as if he was sent on a mission to recruit her. As a result, she just played it cool and polite since it was a spiritual matter and each time promised to give it more thought. However Stacey said she had enough of it last week because the dude had overstepped his boundary. 
To be continued...

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April 12, 2013

What do you do when you feel gagged? I feel gagged...

Have you ever been in a situation where you strongly want to express how you feel or you desperately want to voice out all you have been bottling up but something seems to hold you back each time you try? Sometimes you are on the brink of uttering those words building inside of you but you are forced to clench your teeth to prevent the words from coming out. Your heartbeat races faster and your chest rises higher because you are using up energy trying to lock in those words fighting to be free. The feeling can be likened to nights when you sleep and have a nightmare that you are being attacked by evil forces. When you try to call out the name of Jesus, it seems like your voice is gone. As you summon all the energy in you, you feel like you cannot breathe, your throat is super dry and your neck is being squeezed by invisible hands. Remember those nightmares and horrific nights? 

Okay, back to reality. It can really be frustrating especially if you are the expressive type like me. You are so sick and tired of trying to play nice and diplomatic that you just want to speak your mind not giving a damn about the consequences; but you remember that the consequences are likely to come back and bite you till you groan in pain. It could be that people might get hurt which may hurt you in return or you may become victimized with vindication still faraway. Situations like this places you in a vulnerable position and you mustn't throw caution to the wind when handling them.

For instance,

You have an issue with a your boyfriend that you dread to discuss because it might end up virtually wrecking your relationship. He is not stepping up in an area you want him to, an area that means so much to you. Maybe he is below your standard (in terms of taste or education) and you have tried to cope with it to see if there could be positive changes. However, after a long time of trying to help, he still doesn't meet up and it is getting to you. It has gotten to your neck and you feel like throwing up all you have held inside all this time but you know it would hurt him. He is so ignorant about this and thinks you are satisfied with the way he is. He is so nice and he loves you so much; telling him will completely tear him apart and seeing him hurt is the last thing you want, so you feel gagged...

You have a nasty boss who
has been misbehaving and bullying you. He has been stepping on your toes and takes your shine when you do anything commendable claiming that you are under him and he teaches you everything you know. You need to address the issue and express how you feel. He holds a very high position-somewhat untouchable in your organisation and could victimize you since he doesn't give a damn about you. Reporting him may not do you any good because those who would eventually look into your situation are his pals-
"dogs don't eat dogs", so you feel gagged...

You have a colleague who for reasons unknown to you finds it fun rubbing it in your face that she is your superior. She sends you on silly errands and sometimes embarrasses you. She is most times in your business and make you uncomfortable. You want to man up and tell her to watch it but she could accuse you of insubordination which your organisation highly frowns at. You want to report to her but you remember that in
situations like yours, the superior officer wins, so you feel gagged...

At the home front too much is being demanded from you. It seems like you are giving and not receiving. You feel worn out and drained. You want to run away. It seems like your parents do not understand that you need time for yourself to do personal stuff; they just have a way of keeping you busy with house cares. Your dad is the type who feels he is always right and he always counters whatever you say with his own ideologies. You get home from work and the homework is waiting for you. Imagine getting home to cook beans after a long day at work.
You want to ask them for space to think and get yourself together, but you tried it once and they called you lazy and self-centered. They feel are training you for the future when you become independent. Now you cannot take it anymore because it is sapping your strength which is frustrating you. You feel like opening your mouth and allowing the words of frustration flow out, but you remember the horrible response you got the last time you did that, so you feel gagged...

What do you do when you feel gagged?  I feel gagged...

Please do not forget to like my Facebook page by clicking the Facebook like button on your top left thanks or follow me on twitter @frediliamomodu I need FB likers and Twitter followers! One love!

April 06, 2013

Drawing energy and inspiration from a positive feeling

Hello my beautiful readers, I am in a grateful mood right now so I am drawing energy from this positive feeling and using it to show appreciation this morning. I won't let the feeling just remain within me; instead I will express it in all the ways I can. 
So first of all, I am taking this beautiful moment to say a huge thank you to all who have ever commented on my blog, directly on it or via LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or via BBM. Another set of huge thank you's to all those who read but do not comment; to those who retweet or rebroadcast my posts; and to those who have assisted me in making my blog better. Most importantly, my heartfelt thank you goes to everyone who have shown me love (you all fall in this category too)
Frankly, you guys are many and I was struggling to see if I should or could mention names but I can't help it, I want to. 

GOD FIRST! For putting the feeling in me! I am grateful Father! I love you!
Nollywood REinvented-ore mi blogger from way back THE GEEBEE CHRONICLES-fun starts with you Love Movies?-Mr Awesome Romance Meets Life-the Nigerian queen of romance Miss Petite Nigeria-Beauty and brains 
Mc Busta Mouth Global Paul George Phemy Ivie Ibe Dominic Oswald Faithee Oga Kunle-my boss Wilson aka Juniour Uncle Jude Dupe-CEO La la land Eloho-cousin to badt Anonymous and many others (please forgive me if I didn't mention your name)...You know how you have contributed and made an impression (don't want to start spilling) and I sincerely appreciate all of you from the bottom of my heart.

Pictures I took yesterday when my TGIF mood was activated!



Please don't forget to like my Facebook page by clicking the Facebook like button on your top left thanks or follow me on twitter @frediliamomodu I need FB likers and Twitter followers! One love!

April 03, 2013

Communicating with God-a different perspective

She wakes up at 5.30am and does what is expected of every practising Christian.
However, she assumes that God is still asleep, so she feels obligated to wake him up with her sonorous voice.  She sings all the worship songs she knows (do not forget that she is a chorister).
After about twenty minutes of futile endurance, her roommate shifts noisily on the bed as a way of informing her that she is still trying to sleep. She notices but says within herself, “well you are not supposed to be sleeping by this time. I cannot please you and displease my God”. After exhausting all the songs she knows, she decides to have a quality chat with God. She fills the entire room with her words even though she knows that God is not hard of hearing. As for her poor roommate, she has no other alternative but to give up the quest of achieving a sound sleep, since the ‘alarm’ (which she did not set) cannot be turned off.

Majority of us will definitely pity 'the poor roommate' criticising the prayer warrior for being self-centered and inconsiderate. Before we become like the hypocrites who wanted to stone the adulterous woman, let me remind us that we cannot be completely exonerated from this infuriating act. Let me rephrase the above narrative.

(The guilty ones know themselves) When you wake up in the morning you sing worship songs, hymns, or praises and pray aloud even if it is still very early in the day and everyone else is asleep. *I experienced that in the university and experiencing it now, courtesy my sweet neighbor* 
For those who have gospel DVD’s, cassettes, or other electronic devices with gospel songs, you blast it, not minding whether or not you are invading the serenity of those around you. *I experienced that during NYSC* 
Even churches cannot be acquitted of this selfish act. A church in residential area holding its midweek vigil or early morning service would put the volume of its speakers (speakers inside the church premises but facing the outside world) to the maximum interfering with the quietness of the neighborhood. Surprisingly, you will not find more than fifteen members of the congregation present, sometimes just their nuclear family members. *I am experiencing that now* 
To you, you are communicating effectively with God, but to the other person (the victim), you are only producing unwanted sounds.

Communicating with God is absolutely necessary and mandatory but it should not constitute a source of disturbance to others. God knows the yearnings of your heart, so you do not need too many words to explain yourself to him; he confirmed this in Mt 6:8 “Do not be like them. Your Father already knows what you need before you ask him.” Although he also said that we should ask and we shall receive, that does not imply you speak on the top of your voice. You could either pray silently or go to a place where your voice would not bother anyone if you must pray aloud. This, he also confirmed in Mt 6:6 “But when you pray, go to your room, close the door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what you do in private, will reward you.”

Everybody loves and wants uninvaded tranquility. No one looks forward to being disturbed in anyway, especially when one is trying to get a decent sleep after a hectic day or while having a swell time in dreamland. Some people highly cherish that early morning sleep and you just destroy it for them. Why don’t you live in accordance with the aforementioned biblical quote or the golden rule “Do unto others as you want others to do unto you”. 

On a lighter note: Imagine you have been praying to God to reveal your future partner  to you and on this wonderful night you dream about this person. Just as you were about to see the face of this partner you have been searching for, you hear a voice from a loud speaker singing/shouting "We have come again 2x, father we have..."    Or 
You wake up to use the rest room in the middle of the night, only to find it hard to sleep again. The room is hot as there is no power supply and you heard one mosquito buzzing close to your ears. You are struggling to sleep and finally you drift away. Suddenly your heart skips a beat as you are brought back to reality by the aggressive sound of a pastor shouting "All enemies of progress, trying to delay my success, in the name of Jesus die! die! die!"         

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How faith works? From pending abortion at 6 weeks to 7month baby bump...

Gazing lovingly at the mental X-ray of this beautiful baby bump; I remember I was told, when he was 6weeks old, that I had an empty sack and...