February 22, 2012

This is for the ladies! She is intimidated by you if she

* Criticises everything you do. *

* Can't take her eyes off and can't stop asking questions about your new and obviously beautiful accessories or clothes, and finds it so difficult to drop a compliment. *
* More inclined to telling you what's wrong with your method of doing things than appreciating your genius.*
* Feeds you with lies just prove to you that she is all that. *
* She could be your relative, friend or just a bad habit. But whoever she is to you, never let her words give you a headache. * 


February 18, 2012

Just have to let you go

So precious are you to my heart. 
I have known you for 16 yrs now and my love for you still remains strong. 
You have been loyal to me; you were there all the times I needed you.
I never had any reason to doubt your purity. 
Many times I wanted let go but I found myself holding on tighter. 
Each time I wanted to let go I saw something new in you.
But now, I think the time has come.
The time for me to let go.
No matter how many fancy and expensive jewels I have now, your place in my heart still stands, because you are one of the numerous evidences of a mother's love for her child.
A dedication to the necklace my mum gave to me as a gift on my 10th birthday. 
I used it as a necklace and a bracelet. 

February 12, 2012

Gentle words...Soothing truth

He stared at me with loving eyes,walked up to me and rested on my laps. It felt so good.
He was quietly seated in the hall, not participating like the others. His lips were sealed while others were singing. He was just staring at me like I was some strange ornament. Well, maybe because it was my first time at the children's mass.
As he was staring I signaled him to come towards me but he did the waka thingy. I called him again and he repeated it. He did this four times while I did nothing but stared back at him. A few minutes later I walked over to him, bent down, and tried to start a conversation

I asked him what his name was but he kept mum. I asked him again and even told him my name but he still kept mum. Then I asked him if he was a naughty boy and finally he gave me an answer. He said no.
I went further to ask him if he was a child of God and he said yes.
Again I asked for his name and he told me his name was David.
David! I repeated in a high pitched voice
In a gentle voice I said to him slowly, "Do you know king David in the bible? He was a strong king and God loved him. David was a child of God too and never told people waka. He respected his elders and was a very good man".

Then I asked him, are you a good boy? He nodded and whispered a yes.
I told him not to do that (waka) again or insult anyone since he was a child of God. I told him to give me a hi-five which he did and he finally smiled. So I stood up and went back to where I was standing.
About 15minutes later, I noticed he was still staring at me. All of  a sudden, he walked up to me and rested on my laps. It felt so good.
The little child knew he was wrong and listened to correction. Some people may have reacted by beating or scolding 5yr old David, which would only harden the child. Same applies to every other person young or old.
Gentle words of truth do get to the hearts of everyone. Let us not be too quick to judge or react. Gentle words of good advice may just be the next step to a positive change.

February 05, 2012

Girls Day Out

Started out as every other Saturday morning but this one was different, I was taking my sister and cousin SHOPPIIING (in a musical voice). You know the ‘going back to school shopping’, I was excited for them plus I love shopping...not a shopaholic though.
However when I found out the amount of money they had, I felt kinda sad because it was too little compared to what I had in mind and based on the place I wanted to take them to. I expressed my sadness to them and they became sad also; which deepened my sadness because I naturally love cheerful faces.
Like a light bulb above my head, I came up with an idea. I ransacked my wardrobe and brought out clothes I rarely wore. They picked what they loved tried them on and in the end; they got almost half of what they wanted to buy. There was a yellow body hug that I loved so much but my sister tried it out and started begging for it. I couldn’t help but to let her have it. Though my wardrobe looked somewhat empty, my happiness was the fact that I was able to make them smile again. 
Then we all shared a big hug we call sister hug and went shopping (another place though)....
We got all wanted and more though I felt bad that we forgot to buy a lovely black metallic bracelet we found for my sister.

I gave them my old jewels that were still very good when we got home. Because anytime I buy new stuff, I always try to give out some old ones, more or less like replacing the old with the new.
We were like triplets of different heights in the market, giving each other the signal when the prices were right or not. Acting like we were leaving as a ploy to make the sellers decrease their prices. In the end we all gained, and most importantly, it brought us closer, we actually felt like triplets...sweet experience.

February 04, 2012

Some babies do have them...

This is a conversation between a man and his friend.

Friend: Good morning, how are you doing today and how is your baby girl?
Man: I am doing well but my baby is looking more and more like me and it is scary.
Friend: (puzzled) how do you mean?
Man: As she grows older, she continues to look like me and I don’t like it.
Friend: it is not a bad thing for your daughter to look like you. There’s nothing wrong with that.
Man: I know it is not bad, all I am saying is why does she have to leave her beautiful mother to carry my features...my big nose, big eyes... (Voice gradually becoming low) it is so unfair, I don’t like it; after all my prayers.
Friend: (Kidding) You didn’t pray enough, did you fast?
Man: Maybe I didn’t but this is just unfair...
Friend: Well you can’t kill her, she is your child.
Man: You asked me how she was doing and I only told you the facts.

This man obviously meant all he said, because his eyes were so sad. I tried to figure why he felt that way, and I realised that he was hot-tempered and could throw a perforator at you when he is angry.
I kinda concluded that he was subconsciously scared that his daughter may not only take up his looks, but his character also.
As for me, it would be totally cool if my daughter looks like me, although not as slim and way more fearless...

How faith works? From pending abortion at 6 weeks to 7month baby bump...

Gazing lovingly at the mental X-ray of this beautiful baby bump; I remember I was told, when he was 6weeks old, that I had an empty sack and...