May 27, 2012

How to get over those depressing mood swings?

Sometimes you just feel down and can't seem to lay your fingers on the reasons why. Some other times you wake up sad, lacking motivation to start your day. Sometimes your mood switches like a light bulb from enthusiastic to gloomy. It happens to all of us, male or female, young or old, black or white and it is very normal. No one can be 100% happy every time. 
Moodiness is one of the numerous emotional states humans must feel, but it becomes a problem when we let it get the better part of us which could lead to depression. All emotions can be controlled and managed, so is depression. Depression doesn't just start in a day, it is caused by an accumulation of unchecked moodiness. You don't always have to take out your aggression on an innocent person or on your belongings, overindulge, hurt yourself or worst, take your life. You can and should actually nip those mood-depressing feelings in the bud because bottling such feelings without addressing them is the major cause of depression, and no one is immune to it. 
The fantastic news is there are simple steps to help you get over those depressing moody feelings. So follow me 

1. Identify the feeling: When you feel depressed or moody, be sure to be able to identify it and be able to say 'I am moody'. If someone else notices your change in mood and is open enough to tell you, you should be able to accept it without getting angry. It is that mood when nothing seems  to interest you. The mood when you get so easily irritated and flare up at the slightest irritation. The honest truth is when you do not know what your problem is, you won't be able to find a solution to it. So first of all, understand your emotional state and be able to identify the feelings when they come. 
2. Analyse your mood: Make a mental record of all likely events that might caused your present state of mind. Scrutinize events that took place between your last excited mood and your moody state in chronological order. The changes that occurred, the people you interacted with, your thoughts, something you did, in short, anything that might have provoked the mood switch. You could do this with a trusted friend or by yourself, whichever works for you. Now you know the main reasons why you are moody.
3. Address them one at a time: Take each as a problem and try to solve each one. Problems could be: not knowing what lies ahead of you when venturing into something new; or pains from past events or achieved goals. You might not have an absolute answer to all, but you'll have a sense of direction. After doing this, you'll definitely feel relieved. The bad mood may not totally disappear but it will definitely subside.
4. Confide in an understanding friend: A problem shared is half-solved which is very true. Confide in someone you trust. By sharing how you feel and your problems to a trusted friend, you'll realise that your problems are not as bad as they seem or are not even problems in the first place. You might also get to know others who have passed through something similar and scaled through.
5. Do something you love: This helps you get distracted so you don't keep thinking and getting moodier because addressing each 'problem' doesn't automatically erase the feelings they have provoked to vanish. You have to make conscious efforts to stop your mind from dwelling on those depressing thoughts by doing something you love, something that you'll get engrossed in. This step is important because it is so sad that after people have found solutions to their problems, they still allow their minds to keep feeding of those depressing thoughts, thus sinking deeper into  the pool of moodiness instead of being happier. So do something you really love that captures or commands your utmost attention.  

6. Motivate yourself: You have a dream, a clear picture of what you want to become. If you have written out, go to it, read it, meditate on it and let it inspire you. If you have not, start asap.    
7. Don't expect a magical change: Don't think that when you sleep and wake up, you will automatically feel better. You have to consciously work on yourself because your mind loves to wander and it always will. It is a gradual and  continuous process, but it definitely works. You are in charge and in control of your thought processes, so anytime your mind begins to dwell on depressing thoughts or provoke moody feelings, you know what to do. Try it anytime you are down till it becomes part of you. 
Share the word because vital information not shared is 99% wasted. Till you hear from me again, have a splendid week.

Please don't forget to like my Facebook page by clicking the facebook like button on your top left thanks or follow me on twitter @frediliamomodu One love!

May 06, 2012

Ahhhh!!! I didn't ask for this!

Something happened to me when I was little, in primary school to be specific. It was during one of my long holidays which I usually spent with my maternal grand parents (God bless their souls) in our big family house. I had this deep siesta one afternoon and I slept for 'God knows how long'. It was so deep that when I woke up I thought it was morning.
I went round the house wishing those you were in the house 'a good morning'. They laughed at me as if I was a stand-up comic. I checked the time and saw that it was about 3pm. Then I noticed that I was not wearing my pyjamas and my aunt was asking me what I wanted for lunch. I had to go back to my bed, lie down and convince myself that it was just a deep sleep. Just for the record, sleeping beauty must have been so messed up in the head when she woke up! A hundred years..., puurrrleeasse!!
Anyways, the funny thing was last week Sunday I told myself that I would make that event re-occur because my body needed soothing deep rest (which we all know from Health Education is sleep). So I laid on the sofa in front of the TV at about 11am, going in and out of sleep till about 2pm (snacks and lunch in-between) only to fall asleep for about 2hrs and dreamt about an old friend I met on Saturday scolding me that I loved sleeping too much. I woke with SHOCK boldly written all over my face. Whaaat! I didn't like it one bit!
It sort of bothered me that I spent the whole of Monday asking my colleagues how long they usually slept for during the weekends.

A cute pix of me at night when I went to use the restroom

May 01, 2012

Fredilia Momodu - A Tribute To My Grandpa

When I got to hear the news, I smiled. I never thought the news of death could bring smiles to my face. I will call this graceful aging and a happy ending. He was such a good man. His memories, so fresh in my head. Even till he went home, he was as caring as ever, still called me by my first name. I love him so much. If every man were like him, all ladies will yearn for love.
A loving and caring husband, father and grandfather. I recall vividly the way he showered love on my siblings and me when we spent the holidays in his house in Festac; the stories he told us when we were little (especially the story of the bodiless man, scary and movie-like). He always gave us what we wanted especially when it came to feeding. You all know the popular beans 'ewagoin' (pardon my spelling); we would stand at the balcony watching out for the women who sell it with Ghana bread to pass by. My grandma hated anything outside home cooking, so she complained each time we bought it. That never stopped my grandpa, he always did all he could to satisfy us. 

He never raised his hands on us, he would scold anyone who beat us. We always sat around him, pleading for more and more stories. He had a very good sense of humour and lot of tricks up his sleeves. He was our idol. 
Even at the age of 92, he was peaceful and gentle, gave no one issues. When he was admitted into the hospital, his children ran around trying to make him comfortable, though he never complained and was never grouchy. A few days later, God started revealing the spiritual to my grandpa. A week later (divine mercy Sunday), he went home (heaven) and I smiled because my grandpa was finally experiencing eternal bliss.
Words are not sufficient to describe the loving, peaceful and gentle nature of my grandpa. His life experience was so touching that I resolved from that day to live a very good life in accordance with God's words so as to experience a rewarding life on earth, and a peaceful and happy ending.
I love you papa!

Please don't forget to like my Facebook page by clicking the Facebook like button on your top left thanks or follow me on twitter @frediliamomodu One love!

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