Hi everyone, it feels amazing to be back. I have not published any blog post for the past 18 days and it feels like 18 weeks to me.
1. I have been saddled up with work lately which makes me get home late, fatigued and interested in nothing but a good night sleep.
1. I have been saddled up with work lately which makes me get home late, fatigued and interested in nothing but a good night sleep.
2. I have been watching Pretty Little Liars Season 2...gawd I love it! It was my addiction! My major hobby is watching movies and when I start, I don't stop till I get to the very end. It's the reason I don't follow series-they are like never-ending stories (just remembered Neverending Story, the actual movie-Fantasia) and consume my time. If I mistakenly watch any and like it, I would watch it at any given opportunity like I would die if I didn't. Well, this is the last and after PLL, no more! (Except Desperate Housewives and Kings, I have started them and must finish them. I could skip Gossip girls, Singles ladies, Kyle XY, Walking dead, and the list goes on.) Anyway, thank God I am done with Season 2.
3. I have been battling an annoying flu that doesn't want to leave me alone. It started with catarrh and it's cousins-sneezing and headaches, then chest pains came to say hi, while the dry cough and sore throat were the last to visit...very very annoying. The dry cough hasn't realised that it has overstayed it's welcome and seems determined to spend the Xmas holiday with me.
Nevertheless, I won't let it spoil my holidays and in the spirit of Christmas, I want to share this just for the fun of it. Here are the gifts I got for Christmas and how I made use of them:
Medicine (multi vitamin syrup and cough syrup) and a branded T-shirt
I have been taking the multi vitamin syrup and gave the T-shirt to my brother. I put the cough syrup in the cabinet and told myself it would spend months there untouched since having cough was far from it (so I thought). I am sure it would have insulted me for dumping it and laughed at me as I took it 4days later. It has really come in handy and I am still taking it.
A wall clock
It is still in the pretty pink pack, I haven't decided what to do with it.
A pack of frozen chicken and 2 packs of iced tea
I gave a pack of iced tea to my parents and will share the other with my siblings. My mum cooked jollof-rice with the chicken and I enjoyed it.
A bag of rice 25kg and a gallon of vegetable oil 10litres
I normally go with a colleague at the close of work and he drops me at a particular bus stop where he makes a right turn from the express way while I go further down the express. I almost forgot the oil in his car. When I got to the bus stop I saw a friend and pretended like I didn't see him (I didn't feel like talking). He walked up to me and greeted me. I replied surprisingly, like I had just seen him. He carried the oil for me till I got to my last but one bus stop because we stay in the same area. God sent me a helper and I was busy playing hide and seek. My muscles would have suffered for it. Carrying the rice myself was unthinkable. I told my parents about it. My dad suggested I sell it at a giveaway price but my mum said my colleague should take it to his house using his car and she would take it from there. Better option!
A big size frozen tilapia fish
I bought turkey and we prepared turkey-fish pepper soup. We eat it the Urobo way, with yam and palm oil.
A Christmas miracle
A church member who used to attend the same JAMB lesson with me had an accident that affected one of her legs. She would limp to class and sometimes cry out of pains. She stopped coming to class after a while and I couldn't reach her because I didn't have her contact. After about 3yrs, she lost her sister, my family went to her parents' house to pay them a visit. I was shocked and close to tears when I saw her. I thought the leg had healed and she had moved on. She was on the floor at the corner of the house and isolated herself from everyone. I just watched and prayed for her silently. Last week, my mum broke the news to me that she was walking again. I couldn't believe my ears until yesterday, Christmas day when I set my eyes on her in church. She was walking again like nothing had happened.
Boxing day miracle
I woke up very early this morning to type this post when I heard my mum wishing my uncle abroad a merry Xmas on the phone. She gave me the phone to talk to him and he made me scream when he told me his wife was just delivered of a baby girl. I didn't even know she was pregnant. I now have a half Nigerian-half Japanese cousin, she must be so pretty, still waiting for the pictures.
You have read mine, would love to read yours...