Beautiful and photogenic Amari loves the camera. She is a child model. Contact me at if you want to use her or simply drop a comment.
Fredilia's Blog is my personal blog where I express my passion for writing. We all have a story but not everyone is brave enough to share it.
September 24, 2016
September 11, 2016
Miss Progress International-Vote Ogechi
Miss Progress International is a pageant dedicated to social issues: ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, HUMAN RIGHTS and CULTURAL INTEGRATION. It is organised by Purgia Italia, and the winner gets 2000euros. Isn't that amazing?
Our country Nigeria aka Naija is represented by Ogechi, CEO Face of Ajegunle.
Please let's support our own...To vote for Ogechi, Contestant #15 Click here
It is fast and simple, doesn't take up to a minute! Voting last from Sep 05, 2016 12:30am to Sep 30, 2016 11:00pm and you can vote everyday.
Spread the world! Tell a friend to tell a friend! Share on Facebook, Twitter, IG, etc, but most importantly, vote, vote, vote!
Follow me on Instagram @frediliamomodu and on Twitter @fredilia I follow back.
September 03, 2016
My Quotes on Marriage
Marriage is not about finding the perfect person. It's about bringing out the best in the other person; thus making them perfect for you.
No man or woman can bring you happiness. If your purpose of getting married is to be happy, you are getting it all wrong.
A good marriage beats being single anytime.
I hope these quotes speak to someone! Feel free to use them but give credit.
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Instagram @frediliamomodu
#MyBlogDiary-My version of 'change begins with me'
I cooked chicken stew and vegetable soup on Thursday, and planned to eat rice and stew with fried plantain on Friday. On my way home from work, I decided to buy plantain. I had just N1500 with me and I also wanted to buy Dano milk and indomie, so I stopped by a superstore.
The price of Dano milk had risen from N550 to N750 and indomie as we all know is now N50 from N35. I wanted 6 packs i.e. N300 both totalling N1050. I had N450 change left to buy the plantain which was N400; but I was angry, because I noticed that since the era of change, I never came back with change. I always spend all the money I take shopping. Sometimes, I'm even tempted to use my debit card. (I have stopped using POS machines so I don't clean my account with one swipe.)
In order not to feel bad since 'change starts with me', I started justifying why plantain wasn't necessary to eat with rice. "Rice is carbohydrate. Ripe plantain is carbohydrate and I'll have to fry it which is not so healthy. In Nigeria, our meals are mostly carbohydrates so I should cut down on excess carbs. No much nutrient in the plantain sef. The chicken is high in protein. Boiled egg is more nutritious."
Chai see me talking to myself because of change! Yes, boiled egg is more nutritious, but haba, is it the once in a while fried plantain that would kill me? This change eh...
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on Instagram @frediliamomodu
I will follow back
How faith works? From pending abortion at 6 weeks to 7month baby bump...
Gazing lovingly at the mental X-ray of this beautiful baby bump; I remember I was told, when he was 6weeks old, that I had an empty sack and...

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