March 31, 2013

How would this world be without a woman?

Imagine Eve did not cause Adam to eat the forbidden fruit. Man would not have committed the sin of disobedience. No punishment, no sickness, no wonderful, extremely amazing, World Peace at last, right?
We would still be stark naked, not conscious of body shapes, dancing around in the Garden of Eden, eating whatever fruit we like. When it comes to animals, just "point and kill" (awesome right?) Since we would just “pluck and eat” or “point and kill”, why would anyone stress himself or herself to set up fast food joints, restaurants, and the like? I know the guys would love this part, less money to spend on those big mouthed chics. Hmmm, but do not forget your pepper soup joints, lounges and bars, “mama put” and all the other joints where you hang out.
Who will need fashion designers when we will all be stark-naked? No Georgio Armani, Banana Republic, Donna Karan, T.M. Lewin (ouch!). Ladies, what about our pencil jeans, pencil skirts, leggings, tank tops? Models and beauty queens like Agbani Darego, Tyra Banks, Noami Campbell, even Mr. Nigeria, wouldn't matter at all. No sickness, no doctors! No education, no teachers! No sinners, no preachers! 
Also come to think of it, no sin implies that God would not have sent Jesus Christ to save us because there would be absolutely no reason to. No Christmas! No Resurrection! No Easter! How would we truly appreciate Him or envisage His love for us? 

Lastly, this article (oh my God!) it would have been totally non-existent (because the aforementioned would not have happened) and you all would not be reading this. 
Let's be open-minded; though Eve caused Adam to eat the forbidden fruit which led to man being cast out from the Garden of Eden, it also brought good things as mentioned above. So lets' admit it, Eve added spice to life.
Happy Easter peeps! *Muah and a wink*

Here are opinions of my friends who couldn't comment directly on the blog but sent their comments via BBM:

Meshack: Without a woman, a man is incomplete and the world would be boring.
Vlad: If I hear say Eve added spice to life...
George: I partly agree. While it is true that without a woman, we would not have all those stuff...designers, celebs, restaurants, etc Those stuff actually make our lives more complicated. Life in the garden was meant to be simple and beautiful. You ladies destroyed the simplicity but thank God for women all the same. You added spice but I would prefer to be running around naked holding my spear in the garden.
John: God knows what is best for us all. Though Eve caused it, Adam had the final say.
Paul: God is the master planner. He sees the end from the beginning. He knew the world will not be fulfilling or exciting if he doesn't even us freedom. That was why he gave the choice to show the path we wanna follow. It's so surprising that the same being God created could be used by the devil in God presence. God knew the devil was gonna come and he knows women are evil. *winks* In the first testament women were portrayed as being evil because Eve was the one that persuaded Adam to eat the forbidden fruit; but, in the second testament, the same woman who was the cause of God sending man out of the garden of Eden gave birth to our Messiah. Indeed women own the world *hugs* and God makes many things happen through them...the good, the bad and the ugly.

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  1. Nice one. We spice things up no doubt

    1. Nice blog you've got! I commented on your post SO IT KINDA HAPPENEND LIKE THIS... interesting! Thanks for stopping by mine. Added you to my blog list, would love you to do the same. Thanks in anticipation.

  2. Wow! Awesome post! This is definitely a product of much wisdom and reasoning! Indeed, regardless of how much we dwell on their excesses and problematic tendencies, we just can't do without women. In the words of a favourite quote: "Women! You can't live with them, you can't live without them". And yes, I think I agree with you that Eve was responsible for the world as we have it today, with all the negatives and positives put together. Yeah, she added spice to life! Unfortunately, it's not women but men who always take the spotlight! Lol

    1. It's a man world they say, but a woman's brain was behind it. Thanks for your brilliant comment (as always) Geebee! Love it!

  3. Remeber there would also have been no deaths, no need to toil 8-5 (more lyk 7-6 in some cases) for church-rat allawie, no boko-haram, no bad leaders... Yea eve brought spice; the type dat sweetens den later destroys d broth

    1. You are right, but it only destroys later if you want it too. She allowed us a right of choice. Allawie..ha ha ha...Are currently serving?

  4. Nice one I wonder wat wud av become of d men without us τ̅☺ spice dere life up

  5. nice write-up

    but the truth about this is that women will always remain what they are...they are world changer both positively and negatively, this has been their attitude from d garden of eden to date...

    1. Thank u Phemy. No matter what we do or do not can't live without us!


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