December 31, 2013

Happy new year! 2014 is here! Whoop Whoop!

So much to expect in 2014; I am highly excited and equally nervous! I have written my resolutions for the new year and the list is long (and scary yikes!!!). However darlings, I am very  sorry I cannot share them with you now but I will do that later by God’s grace.

I am actually not supposed to be writing this because I have got a whole lot on my plate right now. (and who is that thinking about food? C’mon, it’s figurative! Got loads of work that require my attention which has caused my being in a pensive mood lately...reason for this picture.)

Anyway, I won't bug you with too much to read (An euphemism for 'I don’t even have the time to write'-sly smile). With a heart full of praise for the wonderful things God has done and is yet to do I wish my dear friends, readers and admirers a Happy New Year filled with pleasant surprises. Did I hear someone shout AMEN?


  1. I am your admirer

  2. "Before I leave the earth, I would (love) to do a karaoke to a beautiful audience" ... lol ... that line was excellently crafted .. nice blog .. cheers

    1. checked out my about page. Thanks for the comment dear.

  3. Happy new year dearie! Its really a year of overflow. N God will give u more wisdom in every area of ur life IJN

  4. Happy New Year to you too.

  5. Welcome on board this flight 2014 babe. You were one of the best in 2013and will always be in 2014. I know i'll see you some day. keep it up.HNY!

    1. Yomi da Prof! Thank you for the beautiful comment! I am grateful and glad.

  6. happy new year

  7. Amen. HNY to you too. Its coming 6 Months late tho, but better late than never nah :). Hey where are you?

    1. I sincerely appreciate it from the deepest part of my big heart. Thanks for the comment. I am on planet earth my brother....*winks*

    2. Hello Fredilia, no new post??? **Wears straight face.. Come on nah Bubba, i know you are busy and all, but pretty please nah, post something new. please.. Pleasee.. Pleaseee.... **crying in French. :(

      In the words of Terminator... I WILL BE BACK...

    3. I have posted something new okay...


How faith works? From pending abortion at 6 weeks to 7month baby bump...

Gazing lovingly at the mental X-ray of this beautiful baby bump; I remember I was told, when he was 6weeks old, that I had an empty sack and...