I don't know who invented this award but the person must be creative and did some good thinking. The Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award is an award passed from
sister blogger to sister blogger, and there are just 5 conditions to be met
when you accept the award:
1.Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site
2.Put the awards logo on your blog
3.Answer their ten questions
4.Make up 10 new questions for your nominees
5.Nominate 10 bloggers
I have accepted this cute award with a grateful heart and now,
meeting the conditions (singsongy)
Drum rolls...
Abieyuwa, air hugs and kisses to you! I discovered her
blog Miss Purpleheart recently and I have been visiting ever since. She is entertaining and
knows how to engage her readers. I really feel honoured because it means
someone out there acknowledges what I do. Thank you for nominating me Miss Purpleheart aka the "fixer" (got that from your About page)!
Her question:
"Tell us about a part of you that you struggled with (e.g. a
habit, nose, shape, leg) and how you overcame the fear."
A part of me that I struggled with:
am and have always been skinny. In primary school, I was not conscious of it
until in primary 6 when I told a classmate that I exercised on Saturdays and
she said something like "tirin-gbekun" like you, you will just break.
(Tirin-gbekun is a Yoruba insult for a thin person,
not sure of the spelling.) I was crushed. I knew I was skinny but I
loved it. It never came across to me as something I should be worried about. I
got over the harsh words after some days. In secondary school, insulting with
physical shortcomings was a norm and I wasn't left out. I knew my skinny
stature would be my housemates' point of attack and I was prepared. So when I
had battle of words with them, I wore my mental shields and took bullets of
words like tirin-gbekun, turning stick, toothpick, AIDS patient without getting
hurt. Of course I shot back at them, thank God for the fire tongue He blessed
me with.
after about 3years in the boarding school, puberty set in and girls started
experiencing menstruation and the obvious chest change which to us was a
confirmation that you were maturing as a woman because it made you more
appealing. I was excited about this beautiful chest change. I saw Ada's,
Seyi's, Tina's (not real names) and waited for mine. Each morning I would check my chest for any
change and began to notice the growth. I was very happy and had a picture how I
wanted them to look. After a while after almost everyone had fully developed
mammary glands, mine were like little kids next to theirs. I was disappointed
and it became my housemates' new point of attack. This time my shield wasn't
thick enough. Even though I acted like the words didn't mean a thing, I was
actually hurt. I started getting worried because I thought something was wrong
somewhere. Maybe my hormones got confused and developed my brains instead of my
I overcame it:
the next long holiday, I felt compelled to open up to my mum. I poured out my
heart to her and she responded with the most beautiful words that contributes
to my self confidence till date. She said I had no problem whatsoever, rather I
had a gift. She said small breasts were a blessing because after child birth and breast feeding, they do not fall or become gigantic
like big breasts. She also said they do not cause discomfort later in life like
some big breasts do. She told me not to worry and be proud of them.
Surprisingly she showed me hers and they looked very "fit" even after
four kids. My face was plastered with a big smile and I held on to her
After the talk with my sweet mum, there was nothing anyone said
about my boobs that got to me. I gave
housemates the same response with pride when they tried to make fun of me. To
my amazement, they agreed and they knew that using that as a target point in
our usual war of words was a total waste of time. Right now, I totally love my
chest. I don't wear push up bras or over padded bras and my boobs are not even
an issue. I am so proud of them.
My question:
Borrowing from Aby who stole, sorry borrowed from Ugo "Tell
us about a part of you that you struggled with (e.g. a habit, nose, shape, leg)
and how you overcame the fear."
My nomination is a mixture of female bloggers whose work I
admire and bloggers turned friends who have been very supportive.
Until next time,
Be uniquely different, be you.
do not forget to like my Facebook page by clicking the Facebook like button to your right and follow me on twitter @frediliamomodu One love!