September 06, 2014

To hell with those feelings, God is always with you!

God loves you and His love is endless. His love for us is incomprehensible, words are not sufficient to describe it. He loves you more than your mum loved you when she gave birth to you. God loves you more than you can ever love yourself. 
Do not let any situation you are going through take you away from His love. No matter how unpleasant the situation is, hold on to His love.  
When you don't understand, still hold on to Him.
God will never give up on you. The fact that you are alive means He is not through with you and His plans for you are good.
Sometimes you may feel like He is far from you when you need Him most, to hell with those feelings, God is always with you. He never leaves you even when you go astray. 
Never feel ashamed or unworthy to run to Him when you fall, His love is forgiving. His chances are unlimited, so never feel it's too late. 
Begin each day with confidence in His love. In His love there is strength, joy and peace which the world cannot give. Strive to be close to God because 

I pray this touches someone...

Be uniquely different!
Please do not forget to like my Facebook page by clicking the Facebook like button to your right and follow me on twitter @frediliamomodu One love!


  1. God's love is unending
    It is He who says, I love you with an everlasting love

    Truly, He never leaves.

  2. Blessings.....
    God is LOVE
    Happy Belated Birthday. I hope the day solidifies that you are blessed and a blessing to the world.


    1. Thanks, and YES I am blessed and a blessing to the world!

  3. Amen! God's love is complete.. Enough, sufficient for me! Thank You Jesus!
    Thanks for the reminder hun xx

    1. You are welcome dear, we all need to be reminded sometimes.

  4. i love this post GOD is just completely awesome and perfect

  5. Oh I just remembered this blog and decided to search for it. Uhm, I'm not quite sure if I'm in the right place, because I searched for D truth uncensored blog and it brought me to a comment on Linda Ikeji's blog with that signature so I clicked and I found myself here, Uniquely different with Fredila. I'm confused because I expected to see D truth Uncensored. Lol. But then, I recognize the picture on your profile. So tell me, I'm I in the wrong place?


How faith works? From pending abortion at 6 weeks to 7month baby bump...

Gazing lovingly at the mental X-ray of this beautiful baby bump; I remember I was told, when he was 6weeks old, that I had an empty sack and...